2019 Snagov – General Assembly

ANDANTE General Assembly and Study Days in Snagov, Romania, April 24 – 29, 2019
The Coordinating Committee of Andante (CoCoA) was newly elected at the General Assembly, which takes place every three years. Vroni Peterhans-Suter (Switzerland) and Sabine Slawik (Germany) share the chairmanship, Gisela Hoeve (Netherlands) continues to take over the financial work. New members from Romania are Noemi Adorjani, from Latvia Inara Uzolina, from Great Britain Sophie Rudge and from Belgium Marleen Peters-Van der Heyden.
The new CoCoA:

Women in the Church make the difference
The commitment of women in the Catholic Church is manifold, enriching for the parishes and an important social contribution. Women from 18 member organisations and 12 European nations met at the Manastirea Parintilor Carmelitani Desculti’ in Snagov, Romania, following the invitation of the Romanian member organisation.

The participants of the Study Days:

Inspired by several presentations, impulse lectures and numerous workshops, the participants discussed and reflected on the situation of women in the Church and experienced the strengthening and motivation for their everyday life through and with the different possibilities of female spirituality.

Here you can download Statement E – Women in the church with photos.

Here you can download Report E – Women in the Church make the difference report Study Days(1) English