2014 Riga – Poverty in Europe
Andante Conference on Poverty in Europe and on the internal strengthening of the Association.
From 2nd until 5th of October 2014 more than 50 leaders of the member organizations of this European Alliance of Catholic women’s organizations gathered in Riga/Latvia for a conference in order to highlight poverty and its backgrounds in the various European countries.
Exhibiting many practical examples and experiences the participants examined the impact of poverty on families, in particular on women. “The presentations of the various projects showed the strong engagement of our organizations in the field of combating poverty” – so said Andante’s Chair Mary McHugh.
In addition to the intensive sharing and exchange the participants asked the Holy Spirit to enlighten the bishops taking part at the Extraordinary Synod on the Family that would start the following week in Rome. They also prayed that their own work may contribute to a Good Life for all, the Common Good.
In order to become a visible force of women in Europe, in particular in society and church, the 25 member organizations wish to increase their networking and to strengthen themselves, and thereby Andante, through a development process.
To read more about poverty and the reports from the Member Organisations of Andante: click here.