Andante at the Council of Europe (January – June 2010)

Conference of INGOs
Members of the Andante Coordinating Committee have been taking part in each of this year’s sessions of the Conference of INGOs at the Council of Europe, especially those of the committees focusing on: gender equality; poverty and social exclusion; culture and education; and human rights. Some of them had an active part in the working group ‘The religious dimension of human rights’ of this last committee. When you click on the links below you can read short reports of some of the sessions.
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In the context of each session of the Conference of INGOs, representatives from Christian international NGOs at the Council of Europe come together for an informal meeting in which also the Andante representatives took part. The group is currently in the last phase of producing a website and a CD on the so-called ‘White Book’ on intercultural dialogue. With the CD the CINGO aims at producing a tool that can be used for developing a real intercultural dialogue in Churches, parishes, faith communities, organisations. “The CINGO encourage all churches and communities to think about the objectives and structures of their dialogue and to share their thought among themselves so as to bring the Churches’ work, their needs and their views into the arena of public European debate.” For more information:
The CINGO encourage all churches and communities to think about the objectives and structures of their dialogue and to share their thought among themselves so as to bring the Churches’ work, their needs and their views into the arena of public European debate.” For more information: