Women’s Voices from Around the Globe

Dear Members & Friends of CWC,

We would like to invite you to join us virtually on 2d October, at CEST 13:00 | CDT 06:00 | EDT 07:00 | IST 16:30 | WIB 18:00 | AEST 21:00, to listen and to talk about the findings from the CWC Listening Sessions held between March and June 2022. We also want to share with you the report of the Catholic Women Speak (CWS) Survey which we had circulated earlier this year and which will be presented separately by CWS to the Synod Office.

As in all the previous sessions this event requires a registration to receive the link. Please use the registration link from this invitation or the QR Code on the poster: http://bit.ly/cwcLISTEN

More details: New englisch Version